Monday, October 26, 2009

Ribcage and Pelvis.

This past week in life drawing, we began to get further into learning about the pelvis and the rib cage. I found it very helpful when Prof. Fichter pointed out how close the two are together (a matter of inches.) I was surprised when I felt the bottom of my own ribcage to see that this is true. I am getting a little bit more comfortable doing the quick 30 sec.-5 min. poses but the longer ones prove to be much more difficult for me. I find myself starting too quickly and then needing to start on a new page because I have finished too quickly and started to draw too dark (a problem I have always had....) However, one thing that I have found I am doing better at is not simply drawing the outlines of the body. I am being much more careful to "look" into the body and see where the muscles and bones lie. It is interesting to see all of the things that we might not have noticed at the beginning of the semester, and even if it doesn't seem like it at times, the whole class has come a long way since then. For the rest of the semester, I would like to focus on line quality and getting those three different types of lines in my drawings to help push my gestures. I am going to be prepping my portfolio tonight...more later!

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