Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Everything is Design.

This past week we worked on many things in class. I found it difficult to re-do the muscles on my manikin and the process proved to be hard for everyone. It definitely helps to look online though. I found some pictures online to help me with the making of my manikin muscles. I think that it will help me the most to look at different segments of the body, one at a time and then look at a picture of all of the muscles together s a reference afterward.
This week, we also started to start drawing some much longer poses in class (1-1.5 hours.) I feel like this is a big challenge for me but it will be good to push myself to draw longer.
More later...

1 comment:

  1. you have some interesting long axis lines in your drawing. Especially along the quadriceps. I think your approach in indicating the patella was a success as well.

    p.s. your Van Gogh qoute is awesome!
